Developer Guide

Development environment

Maven wrapper

This repository uses Maven Wrapper. This means that you only need Java (8+) installed on your machine for development.

You can use the wrapper script (mvnw or mvnw.cmd, depending on the OS) to run Apache Maven.

Code formatting

The tools/formatter.xml file contains Eclipse-style code formatting definition. This file can be imported into your IDE of choice (Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA etc.).

This definition should be mostly compatible with the configuration of the maven-checkstyle-plugin, used for code formatting validation.

The formatter is also available as a Maven plugin, for validation:

mvn formatter:validate

Or enforcing the style:

mvn formatter:format

Commit guidelines

This repository follows Conventional Commits. Please familiarize yourself with the convention before contributing.

Testing and static analysis

Each code contribution should pass the automatic verification phase. This means running the verify Maven phase:

mvn verify

This will execute several steps. In case of failures, their results can be inspected either directly in Maven output or in the reports generated in target/site.

Editorconfig & Code formatting

Failures in the editorconfig-maven-plugin and formatter-maven-plugin can usually be easily fixed by running (respectively):

mvn editorconfig:format


mvn formatter:format

to automatically enforce the rules.

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    No results matching ""